Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly Images

Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly Images2023-07-18T09:03:54-05:00
Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly Images

Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly Images, Facts and Information:

Erythemis simplicicollis

  • Females and young males of Eastern Pondhawks are green with squarish black spots on their abdomen. Mature males have a blue abdomen, green face, and green and blue thorax.
  • Eastern Pondhawks inhabit ponds and still waters, where they can find suitable breeding and hunting grounds.
  • Eastern Pondhawks are native to the eastern two-thirds of the United States, southern Ontario, and Quebec in Canada. They can also be found in the Bahamas, the West Indies, Mexico, and Central America as far south as Costa Rica.
  • Eastern Pondhawks are adept predators of other flying insects, including damselflies and butterflies.

I hope you enjoy viewing my Eastern Pondhawk dragonfly photos.

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