Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole Images, Facts and Information:

Icterus galbula

  • Baltimore Orioles are small orioles. The males are bright orange, with black hoods and backs, orange shoulder patches and white wing feathers. Female Baltimore Orioles are similar but much duller and they lack the dark hood, orange shoulder patch and they have a gray wash on their sides.
  • Baltimore Orioles are migratory. They breed from British Columbia and southern Nova Scotia south through eastern Texas, the Mississippi River Valley and Virginia. They spend winters in Florida, southern Mexico, and the West Indies. They prefer habitats that include open woods, forests, and shades trees.
  • Baltimore Orioles eat caterpillars, beetles, moths, ants, aphids, bugs, woodborers, fruit, garden peas and flower nectar.
  • Baltimore Orioles lay 4 eggs which hatch in 12 to 14 days. The females incubate and they are monogamous.
  • A group of orioles can be called a “split” or pitch” of orioles.
  • Baltimore Orioles can live to be more than 13 years of age.

I hope you enjoy viewing my Baltimore Oriole photos.