Black-throated Gray Warbler Images

Black-throated Gray Warbler Images, Facts and Information:

Setophaga nigrescens

  • Black-throated Gray Warblers are small warblers with black marked, slate-gray upperparts, black streaks on their flanks and white underparts. Their heads have black hoods and throats, sharply contrasting white eyebrows and cheek stripes and a yellow spot in front of their eyes. Wings are dark with two white wing bars. Females have white throats and thick white eye stripes.
  • Black-throated Gray Warblers are short to medium-distance migrant, moving from its breeding areas in the western United States only as far south as Mexico.
  • Black-throated Gray Warblers breed from southern British Columbia , Washington, Idaho, Utah and Colorado southward. Their preferred habitats include shrubby openings in coniferous forests or mixed woods, dry scrub oak, pinyon and pine forests, chaparral and other low brushy areas.
  • Black-throated Gray Warblers feed mainly on insects but will also eat leaf galls and spiders.
  • Black-throated Gray Warblers lay 4 to 5 eggs which hatch in 12 days. The females incubate and they are monogamous.
  • Groups of warblers can be called a “confusion”, “fall” and “bouquet” of warblers.

I hope you enjoy viewing my Black-throated Gray Warbler photos.