Common Whitetail Dragonfly Images

Common Whitetail Dragonfly Images, Facts and Information:

Plathemis lydia

  • The Common Whitetail Dragonfly is a common dragonfly species found across much of North America. The male Common Whitetail Dragonfly has a chunky white body with brownish-black bands on its translucent wings, giving it a checkered look. Females have a brown body and a different pattern of wing spots.
  • Common Whitetail Dragonflies can be found across much of North America, from southern British Columbia east to Montana, extending south to California and east to Nebraska.
  • Common Whitetail Dragonflies can be found hawking for mosquitoes and other small flying insects over ponds, marshes, and slow-moving rivers in most regions except the higher mountain regions.
  • Common Whitetail Dragonflies feed on mosquitoes and other small flying insects.

I hope you enjoy viewing my Common Whitetail dragonfly photos.