Gadwall Images

Gadwall Images, Facts and Information:

Mareca strepera 

  • Male Gadwalls have finely barred, gray bodies, white bellies, dark rumps, gray-brown heads and necks and rust shoulders. Female Gadwalls are mottled brown with dark spotted orange bills.
  • Gadwalls are migratory in most locations, in some areas they are year round residents. They breed in shortgrass, tallgrass, and mixed prairie regions of the U.S. and Canada. Gadwalls spend the winter in the southern two-thirds of the U.S.
  • Gadwalls feed on aquatic vegetation, algae, seeds and aquatic invertebrates.
  • Gadwalls lay 7 – 15 eggs which hatch in 24 to 27 days. The females incubate and they are monogamous.
  • A group of ducks can be called a “raft”, “paddling”, “flush” or “brace” of ducks.
  • Gadwalls live to be more than 19 years of age.

I hope you enjoy viewing my Gadwall photos.