Mountain Chickadee Images

Mountain Chickadee Images2022-07-12T15:10:14-05:00
Mountain Chickadee Images

Mountain Chickadee Images and Information:

Poecile gambeli

  • Mountain Chickadees have gray upperparts, gray wings and tails, pale gray underparts, black caps and bibs, white eyebrows, cheeks and napes.
  • Mountain Chickadees are nonmigratory.
  • Mountain Chickadees are found from interior British Columbia south through the Cascade-Sierra and Rocky Mountain chains to southern California and Texas. Mountain Chickadees prefer dry coniferous forests. During the summer they can be found in high elevation aspen forest and during the winter they can be found in juniper stands and near river bottoms.
  • Mountain Chickadees eat insects, insect eggs, spiders, spider eggs, conifer seeds and berries.
  • Mountain Chickadees lay 5 to 12 eggs which hatch in 11 to 12 days. The female incubates and they are monogamous.
  • A group of chickadees can be called a “banditry” or a “dissimulation” of chickadees.
  • Mountain Chickadees can live to be at least 10 years of age.

I hope you enjoy viewing my Mountain Chickadee photos.

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