White-breasted Nuthatch Images

White-breasted Nuthatch Images, Facts and Information:

Sitta carolinensis

  • White-breasted Nuthatches are small birds with a stocky build, short tails, and long, pointed bills. They have blue-gray backs, white faces, and black caps.
  • White-breasted Nuthatches are nonmigratory. The range of White-breasted Nuthatches is widespread across North America, from southern Canada to Mexico. White-breasted Nuthatches prefer mature deciduous and mixed forests, but can also be found in suburban areas with mature trees. They are cavity nesters and will use natural tree cavities or nest boxes.
  • White-breasted Nuthatches are omnivorous and eat insects, nuts, and seeds. They are known for their habit of wedging nuts and seeds into tree bark and then using their bills to hammer them open.
  • White-breasted Nuthatches lay 3 to 10 eggs which take 12 to 14 days to hatch. The females incubates the eggs while the male brings her food. They are monogamous. Both parents care for the young.
  • A group of nuthatches is called a “jar” of nuthatches.
  • White-breasted Nuthatches can live up to 9 years in the wild.

I hope you enjoy viewing my White-breasted Nuthatch photos.