Hoverfly Images

Hoverfly Images

Hoverflies often look like bees or wasps but are from the Syrphidae family. They are named hoverfly because they often hover near plants that have nectar and pollen.  Hoverfly larvae consume a wide variety of food including decaying plant matter, plant sucking insects and decaying animal matter and they are considered beneficial.

Adult hoverflies feed mainly on nectar and pollen, and they are one of many pollinators that feed on these resources. They are second only to bees in terms of their effectiveness as pollinators, and they may be more efficient than bees because they can carry pollen much further and visit a greater diversity of flowers.

Hoverflies are attracted to human sweat because of the water and salt on our skin, and they may land on us to drink our sweat. They cannot sting or bite but lick and probe with their tongue.