Antelope Island Jimmy Carter Quote

It wasn’t very birdy yesterday on Antelope Island State Park but the views were spectacular and I simply felt good to be alive surrounded by the beauty. I found this view looking north from Antelope Island over the Great Salt Lake towards Promontory Point especially beautiful because of the warm colors of the land, the varying blues of the sky and the lake, the clouds and the light.

I hope the Great Salt Lake will be around forever but we need to take care of it now and in the future.Ā  In fact we need to take care of all the nature that surrounds us.

Whether you agree or disagree with Jimmy Carter’s political beliefs I felt this quote suited this image well.

It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor natureā€™s gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever. ā€“ Jimmy Carter

Life is good.
