Swainson's Hawk on a gnarly fence post, Box Elder County, UtahSwainson’s Hawk on a gnarly fence post – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/800, ISO 400, Nikkor 500mm VR, natural light, not baited

I haven’t found my first of season Swainson’s Hawk yet but I expect that to change any day now as spring migration is almost in full swing. The last time I was out in the field I found a few lingering Rough-legged Hawks that will soon be heading north to breed. Swainson’s Hawks will fill the niches in the field that the Rough-legged Hawks leave behind.

Last year I didn’t see nearly as many Swainson’s Hawks as I have in previous years and I worked hard to locate the ones I did find. I may need to scout out new locations to find more of these handsome hawks.

When I photographed this light morph Swainson’s Hawk four springs ago I liked the look the hawk was giving me, the distant, shaded mountains in the background, and the soft morning light. I also enjoyed the texture of the gnarly, old fence post the hawk was perched on. It was almost as if the Swainson’s Hawk was giving me the old stink eye.

Maybe I will spot my first of year Swainson’s Hawk today or perhaps it will be a week or two before I find one. When I find it I know I am going to be excited. It will be wonderful to see them again.

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Swainson’s Hawk photos plus facts and information about this species.