This morning, I’m sharing a few White-breasted Nuthatch images that I took yesterday in my friend Steve’s birdy yard, before it got too hot to be outdoors.

Adult White-breasted Nuthatch under a feeder, Sebastian County, ArkansasAdult White-breasted Nuthatch under a feeder

I’ve seen and heard White-breasted Nuthatches before. On this trip to Arkansas I’ve finally been able to get images of them that I am happy with. I was delighted to take several photos yesterday at the suet feeder Steve and I set up not far from his deck. It tickled me to see these nuthatches arrive and feed on the suet.

There are White-breasted Nuthatches in Utah, I simply haven’t had the good fortune of seeing or photographing them there. They are far less common than Red-breasted Nuthatches are in Utah.

Click on the first image below to see a gallery of these four photos.

The other larger birds that come to the feeder seem to scare this nuthatch species off easily so getting these photos felt like a true treat.

White-breasted Nuthatch in Arkansas, Sebastian CountyWhite-breasted Nuthatch in Arkansas

I am hoping to take more photos of these White-breasted Nuthatches soon, providing I don’t melt in the heat of Arkansas.

All of these photos were taken with the Canon R7 and Canon RF 100-500mm that Steve has graciously let me use while I am here visiting with him. The R7 and this lens is growing on me, I wonder if I will remember how to use my Nikon gear when I get back to Utah.

Life is good.


Click here to see my White-breasted Nuthatch photos. I will be adding more when I have time.