I’m sharing a bunch of bird and wildlife photos that I have recently photographed in my friend Steve’s yard in Arkansas, and from Sequoyah NWR in Oklahoma.

Trying to keep up with all the subjects I have photographed since I arrived here has been next to impossible. This is one way of attempting to share some of the great birds and wildlife I have been privileged to see.

Some of the birds are in the gallery below. Please click the first photo to view the images larger.


These photos don’t represent all the bird species I have seen and photographed in Arkansas and Oklahoma; they are basically just the start of more.

I love how red the male House Finches are here and that I was able to see the young Great Horned Owl high in the Eastern Cottonwood tree. We haven’t seen that immature owl since my first trip to the refuge this trip. Photographing the Blue-winged Teal was a treat because it wasn’t skittish at all.

The Northern Flicker was feeding on insects in Steve’s yard, while the Pine Siskin, Carolina Chickadee, female Northern Cardinal and the Tufted Titmouse were all coming into his feeders.

The wildlife here? It has been freaking amazing! From reptiles to insects and mammals, it has all been terrific to see and photograph. And these images are only the tip of the iceberg.


I haven’t had time to go through all of my wildlife images and process them for sharing here. I hope I’ll find the time to do that before too much time has gone by.

I did take my first Coyote photograph in Oklahoma on this trip, and I hope to see many more. The baby Fox Squirrel from Steve’s yard was a neat treat to have in my viewfinder, as were the Diamondback Watersnakes sunning at Sequoyah NWR in Oklahoma.

I’m having a blast. My camera is getting a great workout.

Yes, life is good.


Click the Photo Galleries link in the menu to go to my bird and wildlife galleries if you would like to see more of my images.